Sunday, December 21, 2008

The "Oh Shit" Trek of 12/20/08 From Alex's Perspective

Shit happens, it really does. You know it, I know it. The funny thing about knowing and experiencing is that knowing prepares you for a vague idea, which can leave you open with your metaphorical pants down. Experience on the other hand makes you wiser or more paranoid, also on a positive note it makes for awesome stories. Such as the one I'm about to tell you.

Have you seen Yes Man yet? If you haven't you should, why? Because I fuckin' said so.I like movies like this, a movie that you could adapt into your own philosophy like Fight Club or Rocket Science. Any way we we went to the movie, I ordered a drink several sizes larger than most of my internal organs. I have personally never gone to the facilies so many times in the time span of an hour and forty-five minutes. But that is besides the point, back to the movie. Yes Man, great thing to watch. I like the story, music choice, and Zoey Deschanel. Hot damn she's a cutie. Heh heh, anyway. We leave the theatre and the weather is shitty, go figure. So we do the sane thing and call Aaron's mom to pick us up. The thing is his house is snowed in so I call some friends, the same happened to them.

So here we are in the Molengracht building and wondering what to do. I decide that we either hobo it out at the building we are in now or make a trek of about seven blocks away. I don't tell Aaron that I tell him it's only five. I figured if we went out prepared we would make it out unscathed. Aaron doesn't know what to do, he's following my lead. Neither of us want to sleep at the Molengracht. We have been kicked out of there on another occassion. My brain doesn't even register trying to make a plan, it just kind of hits me like a pissed off drunk guy.

My plan we tough it out, but we use our brains and whatever available resources we could. I hoped that the gas stations were twenty four-seven like I thought they were. We make our way to Casey's and sonuvabitch its closed. Yeah Murphy's Law staring me in the face. Though I did remember there was another gas station down the street a block away. We head towards Kum & Go (insert dirty joke here for those who can live with out one at this juncture) but we felt like a pile of dung. We ran to Casey's and it bit at the inside of our lungs. Coughing like a thirty year smoker we had a bit of luck to go into a Wells Fargo on the way. It was warm enough and we could catch our breath. We rubbed our feet, hocked loogies, and warmed our hands on the ATM machine touch screen. It was surprisingly warm. We walked to Kum & Go and stocked up on supplies like we were preparing for a zombie outbreak.

We tried to find hot pads, but they didn't sell them. Aaron said he was thirsty so we decided to go with cocoa. It could warm our hands and our insides at the same time. We got gloves, and a beanie. I took a bunh of toilet paper in case of runny noses. I even dried my socks using the bathroom hand dryer. Yeah we went all out for this thing. And so we head out into the bitter cold.

It was a few blocks my cocoa was finished a long time ago. I kept myself occupied with talking to Aaron about survival tips and tricks. We also talked about how we met and our first impressions of each other, we talked about how funny it was that we ended up being friends and the situation we were in.And what happened next took me by surprise, I could hardly believe it. A friend of ours came by with his big green hippy van, I ran into the street like a mad man waving my arms. When he realized it was just us he unlocked the door and let us in. By a weird twist of good luck he was dropping off my friends brother home, which was close to my grandma's house.

We get back to my granma's. We just laughed our asses off and headed inside to explain to my Grandmother that a random friend of mine was snowed out of any way back home and he was gonna crash there for the night. My Grandma was surprisingly lucid and reasonable after being woken up in 12:30 AM. Don't look at me that way I had to tell her or she would have freaked when she found Aaron in the morning otherwise. Me and hem, we talked about the events of the day. In fact it was by his suggestion to write this all down that the idea for the "Run Around Boys Tales" to be concieved and the rest is as they say history. At least it will be, merry frikkin' Christmas you punks.

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